Low Stress in Detail

Pets have moved from the barnyard to the bedroom, so today’s pet parents fret about any stress their fur children might experience. The good news is that more pets are seeing their veterinarian regularly. The challenge is that expectations have never been higher. Compare this to the “whole child” approach to human pediatric care that embraces not just the medical aspects of care but also the child’s emotional well-being and the child’s primary caregivers. Not only does the child need outstanding care, but the child also needs to enjoy it. Shor-Line is one of several companies, researchers, veterinary groups and thought leaders envisioning a better office visit for pets and low stress care that continues throughout the practice. This is the impetus for Shor-Line Low Stress™ (SLS) system of products. They include products that have been continuously improved through research, coordination with thought leaders and veterinary (and pet!) input.

How Can Low Stress Practices Aid My Practice?

What Products are Available?

At Shor-Line, we continue to develop products based on veterinarian and customer input. Our latest innovations are the Feline Comfort Suite and the Kat Kave.

The Feline Comfort Suite incorporates leading research in the field of feline animal housing. The litter area is higher, allowing for comfortable elimination posturing and the main living area is spacious, allowing options for the feline. And, we construct the entire unit from a revolutionary fine-celled foam board that is impervious to moisture. This will stand up to decades of service in even the harshest environments.

The Kat Kave provides two levels of cat comfort. The lower level has three crawl areas and a place to hunker down and hide. The top level has a concave resting space that lets the cat snuggle down. Meeting these feline needs reduces boarding and recovery stress.

Shor-Line is committed to continuing to add to this popular product line.